Go Red for Women




Come join the FUN!!

Friday, April 6, 2018

Check in: 6:00pm @ Dapper Barber/The Hepburn

Event: Scavenger Hunt/Dash starts @ 6:30pm

Prizes: Mothers Brewery @ 7:30pm

Event Ends: 8:00pm


Recruit a team of 5, then throw your favorite (or not so favorite) RED DRESS for a scavenger hunt around Downtown Springfield. We will begin at Dapper Barber with access to the exclusive Hepburn and conclude at Mothers Brewery for awards.  All in support of women’s heart health! It doesn’t matter if you are a man or a woman, we need your help to raise awareness of heart disease – our No. 1 killer. 


Register at:  Click here to register online or call the AHA Office at 417-881-1121 to register by phone

Registration: $5.00 

Registration w/t-shirt: $20.00


Dash Diva Award will be presented to the most spirited, most outrageously dressed participant.  The winner will be chosen by audience participation.

An Overall Team Award will be given to the team with them most missions accomplished during the allotted time. 


Check in: Dapper Barber where the scavenger hunt details will be provided to each team along with the rules.

*1 working cell phone is required per team


Shirts: All shirt orders placed by March 25th will be received at the event. 



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Special Thanks to:

Macy's and CVS Health